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What’s Happening?

We encourage our church family to get together outside of worship times. Our church offers a range of social, learning and volunteer events that help strengthen our members as individuals and as a community.



Our AWANA series meets Wednesday evenings from 6:30 to 8:00 pm.  Doors open at 6:15. Meals are not served during Summer. We serve a light snack.


AWANA volunteer helpers are always needed and appreciated.  If you can help or need more information, see Lori Welch or Sheril Boaz or contact  "To serve is to be blessed."


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FBCE youth meet each Wednesday evening from 6:30 to 8:00 pm.  Doors open at 6:15. Meals are not served during Summer. For more information on our program, please contact our Youth leaders Todd Patton, Levi Owens, Laura Brandt, Alicia Daniel or contact




Find us on Facebook and Instagram to keep updated.

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